Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First Impressions: Bio Beaute by NUXE Vitamin-Rich Detox Mask (with Orange Water)


I used a sample sachet of this two nights ago and ever since then, I have been thinking of (obsessing more like it) how I can get a full sized product of this one in the most cost-efficient way. It isn’t available here in Philippines and I don’t want to spend on customs duties (which sometimes get ridiculously exorbitant!). Anyway, will work this out.***


This mask comes in a form of orange gel.  I didn’t get the feeling of gel though because when spread over the face, it really felt more like thick honey (the thickness you get when honey has been placed in the fridge).  Although it was thick and a bit sticky, it was easy to evenly cover my face with it. The scent of oranges and citrus made it so energizing, refreshing and awakening. It was comfortable to wear—both the texture and the scent. You can carry a conversation with anyone—as opposed to masks that force you to communicate through tight lips or through holes. You can wear your eyeglasses with it.  At least, I did.

The product instructs you to have it on for 5 minutes after which you are to massage it in and rinse off. I wore mine for 30 minutes because after looking at the clock to check the initial time, I actually forgot to check back in. It was that comfortable!  The massaging phase needed a bit of elbow grease, though, because it got stickier at this point. I liked how it rinses off milky white. The gel turns to “milk” when it gets in contact with water so it’s easy to know when you’ve thoroughly washed it off.


When I dried off, I saw the most amazing results ever! I didn’t even know that I could be so bold as to describe my skin as beautiful, smooth and soft when, less than an hour ago, it was a mess! (Had three big hormonal zits, countless blocked pores on my nose; roughness and more pores.) Also, I now know what it means to have radiant skin. I have always ignored the term “radiant skin,” chalking it under empty, meaningless, marketing speak. But man oh man! My skin was unbelievably radiant! Alive and healthy! I could not stop caressing it. I let my husband touch my face. Let my kids see it. Yes, the zits and some pores were still visible. But. But! I don’t know how it managed to do this but my skin looked dewy (but it was dry to the touch), almost all pores smoothened out, my fine lines blurred. I remember getting my hand held mirror just to take a closer look and yes, I had seen right the first time. This is such a miracle worker!

Like I mentioned, my skin wasn’t at its best before use. So I wasn’t expecting anything really, at least nothing over and beyond what I normally would have for a face mask. I mean, I have tried all sorts of masks: clay, cloth, mud, overnight gel masks, egg, tomato, placenta, snail…name the formulation, chances are, yup, I’ve done it.  Am I glad I was curious enough to check out this orange goop!


I will try samples ASAP! I will use them before leaving the city I am visiting so the option to purchase is still available! I was given this sachet, together with all the other free samples, when I shopped at a Parapharmacie in Paris 2 years ago. It wasn’t until a couple of days ago that I got around to trying it. 

Can’t wait for my sister’s trip to Paris!!! I’m hoping by the end of March, I shall have had a tub of this orange goodness! After all, I still need to see how consistent the results are and how my skin will take to it in the long run.

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