Saturday, August 1, 2015

Goodbye, February!

February has gone in a blink of an eye and yet I felt her days were long and hectic-- that makes sense, right?! Drafted so many posts but as of yet, they are half-formed! I bet, March will find me finishing those and posting really often. At least that's the plan and I'm definitely betting on me!

What ate up most of my time in Feb were the classes on makeup I conducted. Aside from the one on one sessions I had dotting the month, I was invited to teach makeup at TELUS (Phils) last Feb 18. It was exciting. My audience was serious and passionate; needless to say, they made such great students. Side note: these were young adults buzzing with energy!! Being around them made me feel young! It was impossible to not have been infected with they're vibrance! Sharing some pictures below.

What also stood out this month was putting man makeup on 2 young men-- the other I had a one on one tutorial session with as well. He wanted to learn how to apply man makeup and stage makeup on himself. He was focused, engaged and very much present. He wasn't  fazed by terms and phrases i introduced even when it was apparent that he wasn't sure what animal I was talking about!   These were: prime, conceal, color correct, set, flashback. Hahahaha! It was fulfilling to see fully take it in and understand. He did half of his face really effectively-- and with annotations at that! Recalling still makes me smile.

Feb might have been a jumble of dates and meetings to remember and keep but man oh man! Am I grateful for it. Thank you, February, for being a gloriously productive and happy month!

Loved how there was counter space for all the representative products. From primer to setting spray!

My model wanted a look that she could wear daily : )
The last ones to leave. Such fun ladies!

(didn't get to post this until now! eeek!)

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